It has been exactly one year since I started the Darling Vines blog. I can tell you, it takes a lot more time than I thought, and getting stories aren't that easy. Don't get me wrong, a lot of things happen here at Darling Cellars, but sometimes it is just hard to write something about it. Someone who blogs will know what I mean.
Well, I though I would give some interesting stats for this entry, but first, this was the first blog post I wrote for Darling Vines:
IntroductionThere has almost been 4000 readers on Darling Vines, about 300 a month. Only 35 people are registered, so if you haven't registered, please do so by filling in you email address at the top right part of the page and follow the steps.
The top 3 referring sites are
Darling Cellars, AMKA and
Top 3 visitors nationality is South Africa, USA and UK.
Top 3 browsers used is Firefox, IE and Chrome.
Top 3 operating systems used is Windows, Apple and Unix
Well, that's it for now. Hope you follow this blog in the next year, because there are some great things to come. So I end with this classic cliche... Watch this space!!!